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Get the streamable MP3 file of a track



Stream an mp3 track This endpoint accepts the Range header for streaming.


Path Parameters

    track_id stringrequired

    A Track ID

Query Parameters

    preview boolean

    Optional - true if streaming track preview

    user_signature string

    Optional - signature from the requesting user's wallet. This is needed to authenticate the user and verify access in case the track is gated.

    user_data string

    Optional - data which was used to generate the optional signature argument.

    nft_access_signature string

    Optional - gated content signature for this track which was previously generated by a registered DN. We perform checks on it and pass it through to CN.

    skip_play_count boolean

    Optional - boolean that disables tracking of play counts.

    api_key string

    Optional - API key for third party apps. This is required for tracks that only allow specific API keys.

    skip_check string

    Optional - POC to skip node 'double dip' health check


