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Supported Metadata Mapping

ERN Versioning

The following is provided based on ERN3.8

Please note that exact DDEX fields will depend on the specific ERN version.

General Metadata Mapping

Required Fields

The following metadata fields are required for content to be listed on Audius and are examined and pulled from a DDEX delivery in cascading precedence.



The coverArtFile maps to two DDEX Fields

  • /ResourceList/Image/ImageDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/TechnicalImageDetails/File/FilePath
  • /ResourceList/Image/ImageDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/TechnicalImageDetails/File/FileName



The resource will not be published on the Audius platform until the following condition is met:

current date ≥ max(releaseDate, validity start date from the corresponding deal)

However the date displayed in the Audius interface will be this releaseDate value (determined by the hierarchy below).

  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/ReleaseDate
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/GlobalOriginalReleaseDate
  3. /DealList/ReleaseDeal/Deal/ValidityPeriod/StartDate



Not technically an Audius SDK metadata field, but uploaded as part of the track/album

  1. checks each artist name (in order) against Audius database of OAuthed display names, and uses the first match

Optional Fields

The following fields are optional for content to be listed on Audius and are examined and pulled from a DDEX delivery in cascading precedence.


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseId

The following fields are parsed and preserved from this field:

PartyId, CatalogNumber, ICPN, GRid, ISAN, ISBN, ISMN, ISRC, ISSN, ISTC, ISWC, MWLI, SICI, and ProprietaryId


The DDEX standard includes a MarketingComments field that is rarely used, but is available.

Unused Fields

The following Audius SDK Fields are not used by DDEX and have no mapping.

child elements of /ReleaseList/Release/

The following child elements are parsed and stored in the separate DDEX server. Audius does not store these child fields and they are not used.

  • ReferenceTitle/TitleText
  • ReferenceTitle/SubTitle

child elements of /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/

The following child elements are parsed and stored in the separate DDEX server. Audius does not store these child fields and they are not used.

  • Title[@TitleType='DisplayTitle']/TitleText (used in albums/EPs but not single tracks)
  • Title[@TitleType='DisplayTitle']/SubTitle
  • Title[@TitleType='FormalTitle']/TitleText
  • Title[@TitleType='FormalTitle']/SubTitle

child elements of /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/ResourceGroup/

The following child elements are parsed and stored in the separate DDEX server. Audius does not store these child fields and they are not used.

  • SequenceNumber
  • ResourceGroupContentItem/ResourceType
  • ResourceGroupContentItem/ReleaseResourceReference
  • ResourceGroupContentItem/IsInstantGratificationResource

Track Metadata Mapping

Required Fields

The following fields are required for content to be listed on Audius and are examined and pulled from a DDEX delivery in cascading precedence.


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/Genre/SubGenre
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/Genre/GenreText
  3. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/Genre/SubGenre
  4. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/Genre/GenreText


  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/ReferenceTitle/TitleText

Subtitle is currently ignored/unused in the both the SoundRecording and release and are stored in the separate DDEX server but not in the Audius network.


This is the actual audio file, not technically an Audius SDK metadata field, but uploaded in the same SDK function. Note that this DDEX field is a relative path to the file within the delivery


The trackFile maps to two DDEX Fields

  • /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/TechnicalSoundRecordingDetails/File/FilePath
  • /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/TechnicalSoundRecordingDetails/File/FileName

Optional Fields

The following fields are optional for content to be listed on Audius and are examined and pulled from a DDEX delivery in cascading precedence.


The /PartyName/FullName child element is used as the artist’s name and the SequenceNumber attribute to preserve order

  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/DisplayArtist
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/DisplayArtist


This is only used if both year AND text are non-empty. The child elements that are parsed are: Year and CLineText

  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/CLine
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/CLine
  3. /ReleaseList/Release/CLine



The following children elements are parsed and stored in Audius: PartyName/FullName, SequenceNumber, and IndirectResourceContributorRole

  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/IndirectResourceContributor


  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundRecordingId/ISRC


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseId/ISWC


  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/ParentalWarningType
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/ParentalWarningType


Preview length is 30 seconds starting at the previewStartSeconds into the track’s audio, even if a longer or shorter duration is given. does not support using an external file for the preview

  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/TechnicalSoundRecordingDetails/PreviewDetails/StartPoint
  2. only when /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/TechnicalSoundRecordingDetails/IsPreview is true


  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/PLine
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/PLine
  3. /ReleaseList/Release/PLine

This is only used if both year AND text are non-empty. The child elements that are parsed are: Year and CLineText


  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/ResourceContributor

The following children elements are parsed and stored in Audius: PartyName/FullName, SequenceNumber, and ResourceContributorRole


  1. /ResourceList/SoundRecording/SoundDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/RightsController

The following children elements are parsed and stored in Audius: PartyName/FullName, RightsShareUnknown, and RightsControllerRole

Album Metadata Mapping

Required Fields

The following fields are required for content to be listed on Audius and are examined and pulled from a DDEX delivery in cascading precedence.


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/Title[@TitleType='DisplayTitle']/TitleText

Subtitle is currently ignored/unused in the both the SoundRecording and release and are stored in the separate DDEX server but not in the Audius network.


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/Genre/SubGenre
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/Genre/GenreText


This is an array of audio files which the album is comprised of, not technically an Audius SDK metadata field, but uploaded as part of the album.

  1. each /ReleaseList/Release/ except the release with the attribute IsMainRelease="true"


Metadata about each track in the album, not technically an Audius SDK metadata field, but uploaded as part of the album

  1. each /ReleaseList/Release/ except the release with the attribute IsMainRelease="true"

Optional Fields

The following fields are optional for content to be listed on Audius and are examined and pulled from a DDEX delivery in cascading precedence.


The /PartyName/FullName child element is used as the artist’s name and the SequenceNumber attribute to preserve order

  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/DisplayArtist


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/CLine
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/CLine

This is only used if both year AND text are non-empty. The child elements that are parsed are: Year and CLineText


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/ParentalWarningType


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseDetailsByTerritory[TerritoryCode="Worldwide"]/PLine
  2. /ReleaseList/Release/PLine

This is only used if both year AND text are non-empty. The child elements that are parsed are: Year and PLineText


  1. /ReleaseList/Release/ReleaseId/ICPN

ICPN (or "International Code Product Number") has an IsEAN attribute which determines if it’s an EAN (or "European Article Number") or UPC ("Universal Product Code" — only used in US and Canada).

Audius uses these interchangeably and just set it as UPC even if it’s an EAN.