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You can pass a AdvancedOptions object to any SDK write method for further control of its behavior.


await audiusSdk.playlists.favoritePlaylist({
playlistId: 'x5pJ3Az'
userId: "7eP5n",
}, {
confirmationTimeout: 30000 // Time out if the transaction takes over 30 seconds to confirm
await audiusSdk.playlists.favoritePlaylist({
playlistId: 'x5pJ3Az'
userId: "7eP5n",
}, {
skipConfirmation: true // Don't wait to confirm the transaction; resolve immediately after it is sent. Only for advanced usage.


Optional confirmationTimeout: number - The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain before timing out. Defaults to 45000.

Optional skipConfirmation: boolean - Whether to resolve immediately after the transaction is sent, instead of waiting for the transaction to be confirmed before resolving. Only for advanced usage. Defaults to false.