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interface UploadTrackMetadata

Contains required and optional fields for uploading a track.


// Required fields:
title: string;
genre: Genre; // Can import `Genre` enum from @audius/sdk

// Optional fields:
description?: string;
mood?: Mood; // Can import `Mood` enum from @audius/sdk
releaseDate?: Date; // Should not be in the future. Defaults to today's date.
tags?: string; // Comma separated list of tags
remixOf?: { tracks: Array<{ parentTrackId: string }> }; // For specifying the track(s) that your track is a remix of
aiAttributionUserId?: string; // Audius user ID of the artist whom your AI-generated track was trained on. Note: Only artists who have opted into AI attribution can be used.
isStreamGated?: boolean; // Whether streaming your track is only available to users who meet certain criteria, which must be specified by `streamConditions`.
streamConditions?: AccessConditions; // See "Specifying Stream Conditions" section below
isDownloadGated?: boolean; // Whether downloading your track is only available to users who meet certain criteria, which must be specified by `downloadConditions`. Note that stream gated tracks are automatically download gated, whereas the reverse is not true.
downloadConditions?: AccessConditions;
isUnlisted?: boolean; // If set to true, only users with a link to your track will be able to listen, and your track will not show up in your profile or in any feed. Defaults to false.
fieldVisibility?: {
mood?: boolean;
tags?: boolean;
genre?: boolean;
share?: boolean;
playCount?: boolean;
remixes?: boolean;
}; // For specifying which fields/features are visible on a hidden track. Only applicable if `isUnlisted` is set to true. All default to true.
isrc?: string; // International Standard Recording Code
iswc?: string // International Standard Musical Word Code
license?: string; // License type, e.g. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA

Example with all fields specified

import { Mood, Genre } from '@audius/sdk'
import fs from 'fs'

const coverArtBuffer = fs.readFileSync('path/to/cover-art.png')
const trackBuffer = fs.readFileSync('path/to/track.mp3')

const { trackId } = await audiusSdk.tracks.uploadTrack({
userId: '7eP5n',
coverArtFile: {
buffer: Buffer.from(coverArtBuffer),
name: 'coverArt',
metadata: {
title: 'Monstera',
genre: Genre.METAL,

// Optional metadata:
description: 'Dedicated to my favorite plant',
mood: Mood.DEVOTIONAL,
releaseDate: new Date('2022-09-30'),
tags: 'plantlife,love,monstera',
remixOf: { tracks: [{ parentTrackId: 'KVx2xpO' }] },
aiAttributionUserId: '3aE1p',
isStreamGated: true,
streamConditions: {
tipUserId: '7eP5n', // Require tipping user to unlock track for streaming
isDownloadGated: true,
downloadConditions: {
usdcPurchase: {
// Require usdc purchase to unlock track for download
price: 1,
splits: {
// usdc user bank and usdc amount padded with correct number of decimals
FwtT6g2tmwbgY6gf4NWBhupJBqJjgkaHRzCJpA1YHrL2: 10000,
isUnlisted: true,
fieldVisibility: {
mood: true,
tags: true,
genre: true,
share: false,
playCount: false,
remixes: true,
isrc: 'USAT21812345',
iswc: 'T-123.456.789-0',
license: 'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA',
trackFile: {
buffer: Buffer.from(trackArtBuffer),
name: 'monsteraAudio',

Specifying Stream Conditions

Use the AccessConditions field to specify the criteria required to unlock a track.


Require the listener to tip the artist to unlock the track.


const { trackId } = await audiusSdk.tracks.uploadTrack({
// ...
metadata: {
// ...
isStreamGated: true,
streamConditions: {
tipUserId: '7eP5n', // Require tipping user with user ID "7eP5n" to unlock track


Require the listener to follow the artist to unlock the track.


const { trackId } = await audiusSdk.tracks.uploadTrack({
// ...
metadata: {
// ...
isStreamGated: true,
streamConditions: {
followUserId: '7eP5n', // Require following user with user ID "7eP5n" to unlock track


Require the listener to hold an Ethereum or Solana NFT to unlock the track.

Ethereum NFT example

const { trackId } = await audiusSdk.tracks.uploadTrack({
// ...
metadata: {
// ...
isStreamGated: true,
streamConditions: {
chain: 'eth',
address: '0xAbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz', // The Ethereum address of the NFT contract
standard: 'ERC-721', // The standard followed by the NFT - either "ERC-721" or "ERC-1155"
name: 'Example NFT', // The name of the NFT
slug: 'example-nft', // The slug of the NFT collection. E.g. if your collection is located at, the slug is "example-nft".
imageUrl: '', // Optional: URL to the image representing the NFT
externalLink: '', // Optional: URL to an external resource providing more details about the NFT

Solana NFT example

const { trackId } = await audiusSdk.tracks.uploadTrack({
// ...
metadata: {
// ...
isStreamGated: true,
streamConditions: {
chain: 'sol',
address: 'ABCDEF1234567890', // The address of the NFT on the Solana blockchain
name: 'Example NFT', // The name of the NFT
imageUrl: '', // Optional: URL to the image representing the NFT
externalLink: '', // Optional: URL to an external resource providing more details about the NFT